Monday, March 17, 2008

Lesson Learned

Last night I attemped to make this:,,FOOD_9936_78783,00.html

I saw smiley Giada make it on tv and thought, hmm this could be really good. Then I saw that one of my favorite food bloggers made it: and it looks positively perfect in her pictures. So I finally made the trek out to Whole Foods yesterday to purchase an acorn squash. I figured my wonderful Queens produce market would not carry them as they're not really in season (well, they're available year round but peak is from October to December).

I knew from the start that this would be a risk. 1. I'm not the biggest fan of blue cheeses and this calls for gorg, 2. Acorn squash isn't at its peak right now, and 3. Did I mention acorn squash is not at its peak?

So I go to Whole Foods. Whole Foods on a Sunday is what I call amateur day. Tourists and gourment food novices crowd around the Indian food bar looking perplexed and people can't seem to grasp that, yes, the check out line goes all the way back to sushi.

Anyway, I buy my squash, some crumbled gorg, whole milk mozzarella, arugula and pizza dough. I go home and do exactly as the recipe calls for and here are my conclusions:

1. Melted gorg and mozzarella on pizza dough is one of the more perfect things I've put in my mouth.
2. Roasted not-in-season acorn squash is stringy, flavorless and disappointing
3. Melted gorg and mozzarella on pizza dough topped with arugula is a pefectly good meal in itself
4. I've got to chill on the 'ole bread and cheese

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